What Do You Love About Your Child?

Are you on Instagram? What do you think about it? Connect with me on Instagram today and share what you love about your child.

I've been spending more time on Instagram lately. Mostly I love to share stories about my grandkids, my horse, hiking and gardening. What Do You Love About Your Child? I'd love for you to share that with other parents.

I love to read and watch accounts that I think provide quality education and entertainment.

And I am also looking for ways to grow my account to provide more parenting support and information...

And that is where YOU come in.

I would love to connect and interact more with parents like you that support and want more Positive Parenting in your life.

This week, you'll have a chance to share with other parents what you love about your kids.

I will give a Free Dial-A-Discipline each day this week on Instagram.

Follow me on Instagram @positiveparentingdebbie and comment on the new post with the picture of the Dial with one thing you love about your child. Feel free to make a separate post about each of your children if you have more than one.

I will pick randomly one person from the comments and send a Dial in the US mail.

And just so you don't take the time to comment for nothing...after you comment on Instagram, send me a dm with your email address and I'll send you the link to the 1-hour audio instructions about how to use the Dial-A-Discipline. I think the audio is even more valuable than the Dial itself. The audio contains what you need to know (examples) to understand why your kids misbehave and what to do about it (a brief version anyway).

Thank you so much for your support.

I am looking forward to connecting with you over on Instagram.

I would love your ideas and suggestions for content that you would be excited about following.

See you there and Happy Parenting!
